Home » Conditions We Treat
- Anxiety Disorders
- Major Depression
- Bipolar/Mood/Psychotic Disorders
- Bereavement/Grief Due to Loss
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Insomnia
- Eating Disorder
- Substance Use Disorders
- Evaluations or accompanying paperwork for disability if you have not been a patient of the practice for at least the past 6 months, with dedicated compliance to treatment.
- Emotional support animal letters.
- ECT, TMS, Ketamine, or other treatments that require physical in-person treatment. Referrals to providers who provide these services can be offered.
- Forensic evaluations, including but not limited to court-ordered treatment, attestations of ability to return to work or not, ability to drive, ability to own a weapon or firearms, and ability to be near or associated with children. A notable exception would be the evaluation for guardianship or conservatorship, at my discretion.
- Pre-surgical psychological or psychiatric evaluation
- Evaluation for Spectrum Disorder
- Immigration Psychological Evaluation
- Pre-Adoption Evaluation